Dr. Stefanie Kunkel
Research Associate
Stefanie Kunkel holds an M.Sc. in Public Economics from the Free University of Berlin (B.Sc. in Economics from the Technical University of Dresden). She completed her doctorate at the University of Potsdam on the expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry on environmental sustainability.
During her studies and her employment at RIFS, she has worked and researched in various contexts of international environmental policy and economics, including at the United Nations Environment Programme in Geneva, the European Parliament in Brussels and the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford.
At RIFS, Stefanie has been working in the research group "Digitalisation and Transformation for Sustainability" since 2019, focusing on the implications of digitalisation for global, sustainable value chains. Another focus of her work is on the impact of and design options for artificial intelligence with regard to its ecological effects. She uses empirical social research methods such as interviews, document analyses and statistical analyses.
Blog Posts
- 2019 - today Research Associate RIFS Potsdam
- 2018 Research Associate HWR Berlin
- 2010 - 2018 Study of economics & business administration
- ecological, social and economic implications of digital transformation in globally dispersed production processes
- ecologically sustainable development paths for low- and middle-income countries
- role of companies in the implementation of sustainability goals
- structural change in societies and economies through technological progress, with a focus on China
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- A Comparison of Wealth Distributions in Germany, Spain, France and Italy (2018, unpublished)
- The achievement of development goals in Japan: What role for private companies in working towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? (2017, unpublished)