Julika Gittner
Senior Fellow
Julika Gittner practices, researches and teaches across the disciplines of art and architecture. She was a design fellow at the University of Cambridge from 2010 to 2023, leading First Year on the BA in Architecture (2010-2019) and teaching on the MPhil and MArch courses (2019-2023). Her artworks are shown internationally and she was recently shortlisted for the Mark Tanner sculpture award. Julika is completing an interdisciplinary practice-based PhD in Fine Art and Architecture, funded by the AHRC SWW DTP2, that investigates the role of sculpture as counter evidence in social housing campaigns.
- 2019-2024 Practice based PhD, Fine Art and Architecture, Universities of Reading and Cardiff, AHRC funded
- 2005 AADipl in Architecture, RIBA part 2 Architectural Association School of Architecture, London
- 2001 BSc in Architecture (First Class Hons), RIBA part 1 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London
- 1997 BA Fine Arts (Hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London, London
- 2023-2024 Guest Lecturer Architectural Association, Diploma History and Theory Studies, London
- 2019 - 2023 Design Fellow, Unit Leader, University of Cambridge, MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design MAUD
- 2010 - 2019 Design Fellow, Year One Studio Maste,University of Cambridge, BA Architecture, Cambridge
- public art event Celebrate Stopping HDV, Cut-through collective, London, 2023
- solo exhibition Objecting, Classwaroom, London, 2022
- exhibition Do they owe us a living?, The Royal Standard, Liverpool, 2022
- video screening ASP6 Classwaroom, ASP London (online), 2021
- performance Faces of Regeneration, E17 Art Trail, London, 2021
- performance Artists behind bars, Matts Gallery, London, 2016
- solo exhibition Common Enemies, FlatTime House, London, 2015
- Sculpture
- Urban regeneration
- data visualisation
- public consultation
- visual advocacy
- public art
- sustainability
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Objecting - Julika Gittner, Classwaroom Publication, 2022, author and editor
- The application of creative practice as a means of disrupting or re-defining the dynamics of power in, with or for different communities, JAR Journal for Artistic research, Issue 27, 2022, Author and co-author
- Faces of Regeneration, Question, A New Journal For The Humanities, Issue 6, 2021, author
- Common Room: learning about architecture as a process, CA 73, Cambridge, Association of Architecture Gazette, Spring/Summer, 2019, author
- Why our new architects need to get their hands dirty on live projects, CA 73, Cambridge Association of Architecture Gazette, Winter/Spring, 2017, author
- 2014 co-author Regeneration: Good Deeds, Smallest Evils or Pacts with the Devil? Architectural Review, MARCH, 2014, by Julika Gittner
- NEETS and SNACKS, Shoppinghour Magazine, Issue 09, 2012, author
- Objecting and other ticky subjects, Royal College of Art, Public Spheres Pathway, London, 2023, artist talk
- Objecting, Wellbeing and neoliberalism interdepartmental seminar, Henley Business School and Reading School of Art, Reading, 2022, conference paper
- Manufacturing Discontent - sculpture as counter evidence, Art of Management and Organisation AoMO 2022 Art and Activism, Liverpool, 2022, conference paper
- The street as site for practice, AA Approaches Space + Streets, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, 2022, artist talk
- Manufacturing Discontent, International Studies Association, ISA, (online), 2021, conference paper
- Objects as evidence, EISA Secrecy and Technologies ECR, (online), conference paper
- 2019 talk Art Practice, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
- 2019-2024 award AHRC SWW DTP2, full PhD studentship award
- 2021 award Mark Tanner Sculpture Award, (shortlisted)
- 2014-2015 residency The Incidental Person Residency, Flat Time House and Southwark Council Planning Department
- 2011 residency Islington Mill artist residency, Salford
- 2003-2005 award AA studentship award, AA School of Architecture