Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition. Concept Paper of the Mare:N Scientific Advisory Board, Executive Summary

Leading experts from various fields of German polar and marine research presented an executive summary of the MARE:N concept paper “Polar Regions in Transition” to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In 15 chapters, the paper presents recommendations on the areas in which polar and marine research should be particularly committed in the coming years. The BMBF will take up the recommendations at short notice, developing future research programmes in the context of pending political processes and national, European and international frameworks.

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Beer, C., Biebow, N., Braun, M., Döring, N., Gaedicke, C., Gutt, J., Hagen, W., Hauck, J., Heinemann, G., Herata, H., Holfort, J., Jung, T., Kassens, H., Klenzendorf, S., Läufer, A., Lohmann, G., Nixdorf, U., Plass, S., Quillfeldt, P., Rhein, M., Rachold, V., Riedel, A., Sachs, T., & Wendisch, M.(2021). Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition. Concept Paper of the Mare:N Scientific Advisory Board, Executive Summary. Mare:N “Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition” Scientific Advisory Board.

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