Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Technology, Aura, Dialogue: The "EnergyTransitionArt" Exhibition

In the basement, in an alcove that's almost a small room, stands a small wood stove. If it weren't on a pedestal, it would barely be a metre high; but even so it's small, almost cute. The wood from which it's made appears to be untreated; its whiteness is rustic, quaint, innocent. It takes a minute to realise what's wrong. A 'wood stove' should be a stove for burning wood - not one made of wood. It should make combustion possible without itself being combustible.

Publication Year



Rivera, M. (2014). Technology, Aura, Dialogue: The "EnergyTransitionArt" Exhibition. IASS Blog, 17.11.2014.

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