Enhancing the Knowledge Base for Cross-Sectoral Management and Ocean Governance in ABNJ of the Southeast Pacific
26.02.2020 - 27.02.2020
This workshop is organised with the aim to bring together stakeholders to discuss current challenges as well as opportunities for global and regional ocean governance, foster exchange of knowledge and information, and build new networks. It will apply an interactive approach to enable information exchange between participants and explore various topics.
Preliminary topics planned for the event include:
- Provide an overview of the current state of the negotiations on an international agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) as well as the underlying work done by the STRONG High Seas on underpinning a strong global BBNJ agreement through regional and sectoral governance, particularly in view of implementing an ecosystem-based management approach to global ocean governance;
- Identify opportunities for stakeholders to engage with regional and global processes as well as support capacity building in the Southeast Pacific region in the form of new information and knowledge exchange;
- Preview and test a first version of a platform to support regional dialogue and engagement in the Southeast Pacific region;
- Provide a setting for States and stakeholders to exchange in regard to lessons learnt and best practices in regional ocean governance, particularly with regard to the conservation of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction;
- Present and discuss the upcoming scientific work under the STRONG High Seas project on understanding from a regional perspective, the current or potential contributions of marine areas, and in particular areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), to human well-being such as economic benefits, jobs and livelihoods and ecosystem services;
- Present, discuss and review the scientific work done under the STRONG High Seas project, particularly on the status of marine biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures in ABNJ of the Southeast Atlantic and Southeast Pacific (ecological baselines) & the monitoring, control and surveillance of human activities.
Venue: Lima, Peru
The workshop is a closed event.