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An Environmental Agreement in a Trade Court – Is the WTO's Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies Enforceable?

The 2022 Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS) is the culmination of over 20 years of negotiations within the WTO's Doha Development Round. Although it can be considered a small victory in the fight against declining fish stocks, the Agreement remains unfinished and underdeveloped. Of particular concern is the enforceability of the Agreement. While WTO Members recognize that the AFS was created to deal with a problem that has both socioeconomic and environmental implications, the Agreement relies on established WTO dispute settlement rules, which were created to resolve trade disputes. The paper assesses the difficulties of enforcing the AFS under these rules and considers additional provisions that could be included in subsequent negotiating rounds to ensure an effective and enforceable agreement. Recommendations cover different stages of the dispute settlement process and include alternative means of dispute resolution, measures to expedite proceedings, and retaliation procedures adapted to the AFS.





Auld, K., Del Savio, L., & Feris, L. (2024). An Environmental Agreement in a Trade Court – Is the WTO's Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies Enforceable? World trade review. doi:10.1017/S1474745624000375.



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