Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Building partnerships for an international hydrogen economy : Entry-points for European policy action

This paper discusses the key questions and challenges for promoting international cooperation between the EU and potential international partners within an emerging hydrogen economy. On this basis, it identifies entry-points for related policy action. Specifically, it outlines six policy dimensions that European policymakers should consider when engaging in the development of international partnerships within the emerging hydrogen economy: climate mitigation, green industrial development in Europe, just transitions in partner countries, geopolitics, security of supply, and economic feasibility. Taking these six dimensions as its starting point, the paper presents nine policy messages for the development of an international hydrogen economy within the context of broader decarbonisation efforts in the EU.





Quitzow, R., Mewes, C., Thielges, S., Tsoumpa, M., & Zabanova, Y.(2023). Building partnerships for an international hydrogen economy: Entry-points for European policy action. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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