Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

From coal to renewables in Mpumalanga: Employment effects, opportunities for local value creation, skills requirements, and gender-inclusiveness. COBENEFITS Technical Annex

This technical annex includes background information, modelling assumptions, and other data used in the Executive Report to the study “From coal to renewables in Mpumalanga: Employment effects, opportunities for local value creation, skills requirements, and gender-inclusiveness”. This technical annex was compiled to ensure transparency regarding all modelling assumptions and data used in the Executive Report, and to pave the way for further research on the energy transition in Mpumalanga.





IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam, International Energy Transition (IET), & Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (Eds.). (2022). From coal to renewables in Mpumalanga: Employment effects, opportunities for local value creation, skills requirements, and gender-inclusiveness. COBENEFITS Technical Annex. IASS Brochure, September 2022.


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