Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Issue mapping report : SHAPE Work package 1

This issue mapping report presents the results of the desk study. It starts out by giving an overview on the current state of research and already-identified future research needs on the knowledge of SDG interaction (trade-offs and synergies). It outlines the state of SDG coverage in integrated assessment modelling, and it identifies SDG relevant gaps in IAMs and (to some extent) multi-region Input-Output analysis. It further outlines issues that are recommended by notable reports (GSDR 2019, TWI2050, GEO-6, among others) to be pursued politically or that are prominent on current political agendas (UN, EU, national (Germany)).





IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam, & Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) (Eds.).(2020). Issue mapping report: SHAPE Work package 1. Potsdam, Stockholm: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC).

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