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Societal Contributions and Policy Needs of CCU Technologies. Summary of the 4th Round Table CO2 Utilization "Contextualizing Carbon Dioxide Utilization - International Policy Perspectives on CCU", Potsdam, 27 January 2019

On 27 January 2019, the research group CO2 Utilisation Strategies and Society at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) hosted the International Round Table “Contextualising Carbon Dioxide Utilisation – International Policy Perspectives on CCU Technologies”. The Round Table on CO2 Utilisation is a series of events, initiated, organised by and held at the IASS in Pots-dam. First started in 2014, it is now an established series that provides an occasion for the profes-sional community involved with the development of CCU technologies to debate and engage with a broad range of societal stakeholders. Framed by two presentations about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and CCU technologies' possible contribution to their delivery, the one-day event consisted of three ses-sions. The sessions were structured according to global regions and focused first on selected coun-tries in Europe (Finland, France, Germany), then on overarching European perspectives and eventu-ally took on a non-European perspective with presentations from China and the United States. Actors in the field of CCU technologies as well as funding agencies and other organisations ascribe the potential to contribute to ecologic, environmental and societal objectives to CCU technologies. Such objectives may be part of the SDGs and other policy targets. Except for further technical de-velopment, the extent of this contribution largely depends on political support with regard to ecolog-ic aspects as well as economic incentives. In order to unfold their full sustainability potential, CCU technologies need a supportive regulatory and policy framework on a European and international level today, and require more tailored support in the future. On either level, specific risks need to be monitored and considered in policy decisions.




Olfe-Kräutlein, B., Naims, H., Strunge, T., & Chanin, A. (2019). Societal Contributions and Policy Needs of CCU Technologies. Summary of the 4th Round Table CO2 Utilization "Contextualizing Carbon Dioxide Utilization - International Policy Perspectives on CCU", Potsdam, 27 January 2019. IASS Workshop Summary, October 2019.


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