Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Green Business Models and the Green Finance Landscape

The present report includes two parts. The first part is a literature review that covers specificdimensions of knowledge about Green Business Models (GBMs) in respect of conceptualdefinitions and the assessment of GBMs. The review categorises information into areas thatare deemed of interest for any practitioner wishing to support the development and growth ofgreen business models. The second part provides an overview of the ‘green financelandscape’ and classifies green finance from a structural and from a quantitative perspectivewithin the overall financial market. It further provides an overview of relevant stakeholders inthis landscape, and analyses their potential role for financing and developing green businessmodels. Both parts aim at providing background knowledge necessary to find a commonunderstanding across work processes and project partners of the Green-Win project,facilitating the further work process within the project, in particular the identification andevaluation of concrete GBMs.





Eskelson, D., Antal, I., Fidanza, B., Leclercq, M., & Rosca, A.(2016). Green Business Models and the Green Finance Landscape. Green Win Project.

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