Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Berlin Science Week 2

Re-Using CO2? From Whether to How


IASS Potsdam, University of Sheffield, RWTH Aachen Universität, Technische Universität Berlin | Volker Sick, Lorenzo Cremonese, Stephen McCord, Tim Langhorst

CCU emerging technologies and climate: challenges, evaluation and implementation.

The CO2nsisten Team is happy to present its research activity on CO2 utilization technologies and related assessment methodologies. The project, funded for three years, is financed by the Global CO2 Initiative and the EIT Climate-KIC.
The team will describe the dual character of its work: investigating disciplinary aspects such as how to properly evaluate CCU technologies (techno-economic and Life Cycle assessments), while having also a relevant focus on informing and supporting decision- and policy-makers.

During the Berlin Science Week, the team members aims to reach out a broader audience beyond their usual targets: journalists, young scientists, NGOs, etc. The ultimate aim is to facilitate the understanding on a rather technical topic via mean of accessible language, practical examples, solution-oriented narratives, and interactions with the webinar participants. Come and join the webinar to discover CCU potentials for the future worldwide energy system!


This is a digital event. If you would like to attend please watch out for more >> here <<

The access to the event will be provided through the organiser and after registration. The number of participants is limited to 40.

Watch out for more details on Berlin Science Week here

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